exe valley federation

Exe Valley

Art GallerY

Welcome to the Thorveton Art Gallery! This gallery is updated termly and aims to celebrate the fantastic pieces of art being produced across the school.

During the Autumn Term we have explored drawing and mark-making using a range of equipment and natural materials in response to the world around us.


During the Spring Term we were very excited to be asked to produce some artwork to help to brighten up our village Doctors' Surgery waiting room. Class 2 took on the challenge and created these beautiful coloured prints which are now on display! 


Class 4 produced a wonderful collective art display which was installed at the church during the month of November to mark in remembrance of soldiers past and present fighting around the world.

Throverton KS1 art 2024 summer

 Children in Class 1 and 2  have been inspired by the natural world around them and have made collages, sketches and paintings based on what they have seen.



 Here are some experimental still life studies using felt tip pens and water made by Year 1 


Class 3 Autumn Gallery

In Class 3 we have been making loose, gestural drawings with charcoal creating depth with tone.


Class 4 Autumn Gallery

We created Art Installations to evoke feelings of happiness, peace and calm. We hoped to help the viewer to to find peace of mind and to inspire positive emotions through our use of light, form and colour.


 Sealife inspired sculpture


The jellyfish are transparent and in the deep sea they can glow all by themselves. I want the shiny material to help this creature to glow.


Pinch Pots