Curriculum Photo Gallery at silverton
Our curriculum gallery documents the wonderful teaching and learning which goes on across the curriculum from early years to year 6. Please click the links below for more information and a gallery of pictures.
Early Years Curriculum
Communication and Language
Retelling stories to help us get more familiar with the text:
Learning new vocabulary and using it through the day (e.g. pestle and mortar, sieve, knead)
Physical Development
Developing strength in our shoulders and arms and handwriting patterns with daily Wiggle and Squiggle:
Developing strength in our fingers with daily Dough Disco:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Good oral hygiene with daily toothbrushing:
Our class agreement designed by everyone in Acorns Class:
Playing together with our friends:
Little Wandle Nursery Rhyme Videos
Little Wandle Phonics Progression - Reception
Class Phonics Resources:
Phonics Support for Home:
Pronunciation Guides:
Autumn 1 ReceptionAutumn 2 ReceptionSpring 1 Reception
Tricky Word Guides:
Phase 2 Reception Phase 3 Reception Phase 4 Reception
Letter Formation Practice Sheets:
Autumn 1 ReceptionAutumn 2 Reception
Home Learning Sheets:
Reception Autumn 1 Reception Autumn 2 Reception Spring 1
Little Wandle Support Videos for Parents
Parent Workshop Presentation - Reception Phase 2
Creating sorting rules:
Comparing sizes, using vocabulary such as 'biggest' and 'smallest' or 'longest' and 'shortest':
Showing numbers to 3 through drawings in the style of Anno's Counting Book:
Understanding The World
Learning about our bodies, including new vocabulary such as 'skeleton' and 'skull':
Exploring current news stories from around the world through Picture News:
Learning about history using our timelines:
Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring colour and colour mixing:
Exploring patterns and colours with Elmer:
Exploring texture with grains:
Learning about shapes and positioning with self-portraits:
Exploring pastels to make firework pictures in the style of the artist James Rosenquist:
Art and Design
The Great Fire of London
"The fire started in a baker's shop and spread all through the city. The fire truck is there and people are escaping in boats"
Maple Class - Pastels and Colour
In Maple Class we have been creating images of our toys experimenting with pastels and use of colour.
Hawthorn Class - Exploring Colour
In Hawthorn Class we have been exploring the use of colour to create effects and creating self-portraits.
Design and Technology
Oak Class - Geographical Enquiry - Devon
Is Devon better than the rest? Oak Class started by thinking about the things that make Devon attractive before asking big questions that linked to the theme such as: What is keeping you in Devon?; Can Devon look after itself? and Why do you live in Devon?
Oak Class - World Travel
In this geography unit we explored how climates around the world have similarities and differences and why this may be. We also explored how biomes are affected by human activity and considered what can be done to limit the damage in the future. This unit concluded with a visit to the Eden Project to immerse ourselves in two biomes that we wouldn't otherwise be able to visit without actually traveling around the world!
Oak Class - Hola Mexico
In Oak Class, the children used their creative skills to make 3D sculptures of Mexico. They had great fun and linked their geographical knowledge of Mexico to support their designs.
Oak Class - Alan Turing
In this history unit Oak Class looked at the impact Alan Turing had on the Second World War and subsequently the world. To ensure they had the relevant knowledge to answer the 'big question' they needed to break their learning into smaller steps- have a look at the cover page below to see how they did this.
Oak Class - British Monarchy

Oak Class - Home Learning Projects - World War II
Oak Class were given a challenge of finding out something about WWII and communicating the information they had found in a way of our choosing. Have a look below at what we came up with!
Modern Foreign Languages
Oak Class - University of Exeter - Acapella Society
An acapella society from Exeter University visited Oak Class and performed for them. The children were blown away by what noises could be made by just using your mouth.
Oak Class - Brass Lessons - Devon Music - Aidy Nutthall
Oak Class thoroughly enjoyed their whole class brass lessons led by Mr. Aidy Nutthall.
Physical Education
Oak Class - Friday Morning Sports Initiative
During the Autumn term Oak Class spent Friday mornings travelling to Lords Meadow Leisure Centre for: swimming lessons, gymnastics in the hall and a variety of sports taught by students from Exeter collage on the astro-turf. These have culminated in various sporting fixtures throughout the year- have a look at some of the pictures below.
Religious Education
Whole School - University of Exeter Islamic Society
We were delighted to welcome students from the University of Exeter Islamic Society, who came into school to talk to the children about being a Muslim in modern Britain.
Oak Class - LIFE Exhibition + Exeter Cathedral
The children from Oak Class visited Belmont Chapel in Exeter for the LIFE Exhibition. This was a multi-media event about the life of Jesus. They also walked to Exeter Cathedral and for a special tour. The next LIFE Exhibition is on 29th January 2024.