exe valley federation

Exe Valley

Class 4

Welcome to the Class 4 page! Mr Kenchington is our teacher and Mrs Trelawney is our teaching assistant. We are all in years 5 and 6. We are very proud of our school and take our responsibilities as the oldest children in the school very seriously - we try to act as role models to the younger children and to help out around school in lots of different ways. We take on a range of additional responsibilities across the school such as being play leaders and librarians. We are enthusiastic about our learning and always want to do our best.

Please click on the links below to view our current timetable and the curriculum planners for Class 4, which outline the learning that is taking place each half term:

Summer 2024

Class 4 Curriculum Planner- Summer 2- Ancient Greece

Spring Term 2024

Class 4 Curriculum Planner - Spring 1 - Enough for Everyone

Class 4 Curriculum Planner - Spring 2 - The Shang Dynasty

Autumn Term 2023

Class 4 Curriculum Planner - Autumn 1 - Hola, Mexico!

Class 4 Curriculum Planner - Autumn 2 - Beyond Face Value

This term we have been going to Lords Meadow on Friday morning's for our Sports Morning. In gymnastics with Mr Holding we have been practising vaulting and jumping. Check out the video below to see us in action!



There is lots of information about how to support your child's learning on the 'how to help your child at home' page under 'home schooling'. CLICK HERE